Thursday, April 26, 2012

rose chair

I have a love for vintage chairs! I think I have more chairs, then tables or places to put them!! But, I just can't stop buying them! They just always call out to me and say, "take me home!!" 

Well, my sweet mother-in law bought me this beautiful rose chair from a thrift store last week. I have a dining set of similar chairs with the engraved rose, that I bought last year from the same shoppe. For those, I painted them black to match my vintage black drop leaf table, and reupholstered the cushions. I'll have to show a picture later. :)

So, for this sweet chair I decided to leave the finish, at least for now, and just reupholster the cushion. I love taking off the original cushion, and finding actual soft, cotton for the padding!! I know someone had changed the fabric already, so I was happy that they left the real cotton, underneath! 

And, now she has a pretty yellow rose fabric! This is one of my favorite prints from the talented Heather Bailey!! I bought it in every color scheme she had when it came out!! This was used at my wedding for a table topper. Each table had a different color, and print. Here's a wedding pic of our special bride and groom table !! 

photo taken by Sheri Wade Photography

Oh, yes, I also love mason jars!!

So, now I just need to find a sweet, little resting place for my new chair!! Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!! :)


  1. I love the rose carving on the chair and cushion pad matches perfectly. Your jars are lovely too - great as vases.

    1. Thank you Jacqui! The chair was already so pretty, it just needed a splash of color! I love using jars for vases, they display flowers so well!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! xo Heather

  2. My grandmother had those same exact rose chairs. They bring back wonderful memories. Love the fabric choice. Super sweet.

    1. Oh, how sweet!! They are beautiful chairs! Glad the chair brought back wonderful memories for you!! The best part of vintage treasures!! ;) xo Heather

  3. Dear Heather, You are very stylish and enjoyable that all your furniture is very beautiful with vintage style. I like your chair color you painted and new fabric for upholstery is so sweet and pretty. Good days...

    1. Hi Beck!! Thank you! It was a fun little project!! :) xo Heather

  4. So So pretty!

    {I too have a thing for mason jars, especially the blue ones!) When my daugher in law and son got married in October, we hung them from the end of each row of chairs for the ceremony and filled them with daisies.

    Love Love Love!

    PS: Your etsy shop looks terrific!

    1. The blue ones are so beautiful!! I always keep my eye out for them at estate sales, and just got another one last Friday!! How pretty would a mantle be covered in them!! That sounds absolutely beautiful!! I am sure those jars added such a special touch at your son's wedding!! ;) xo Heather

  5. Gorgeous revamp Heather! love the fabric and your jar with the flowers in is so cute!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

    1. Thank you!! It was a fun little project, and another pretty chair to add to my collection!! Have a great day!! xo Heather

  6. What a pretty make over. :o)
    And such a gorgeous wedding table!
    How pretty your special day was!!
    Have a wonderful Thursday. :o)

    1. Thank you Trish!! Our wedding was very magical and special day!! Have a great Friday!! xo Heather

  7. Love the chair! And how fun is it that it's the same pattern of fabric you used at your wedding! An everyday reminder of a special day. Looks great!!


    1. Thank you Chris!! I have all the fabrics from my wedding somewhere in my home to be reminded of such a magical day!! ;) xo Heather

  8. Your new chair is beautiful! I have some Heather Bailey's fabric in my stash just waiting to be used on a project. I love her fabric. I can't wait to see your other matching chairs and table!


    1. Thank you Sherrie!! She has such great fabric!! I have some stashed away waiting for a special project, too!! Yes, I will have to take a pic and show them!! Have a great Friday! xo Heather

  9. So very pretty...and I love how the roses in the fabric look so much like the backs of the chairs, very nice indeed! xo

    1. Thank you Sherri!! I love that, too!! Have a lovely Friday!! xo Heather

  10. The chair came out so pretty and I agree that print is lovely. Great makeover! I have a chair problem too-but since we downsized I've had to control my urge.LOL

    1. Thank you!! I hear you! Oh, our house is so small, but I still can't seem to fight the urge, especially when someone buys it for me! Haha! I just need a bigger house, hopefully soon!! Have a lovely Friday! xo Heather

  11. Lovely fabric - the chair looks great!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    1. Thank you Liz!! It was a fun project!! Have a great Friday! xo Heather

  12. What a pretty little chair.

    Darling fabric that you used to re-cover it too.

    I also love canning jars!!

    Gotta run.. the sun is out and outside is calling ... work to be done :)

    1. Thank you Kerin!! Hope you had a lovely day out in the beautiful sunshine!! We had a cold and rainy day.. but cozy. Have a great Friday!! xo Heather

  13. That is a gorgeous chair and in such beautiful condition. Your wedding must have been beautiful. Love Heather Bailey...must be the name. Smiles...Renee

    1. Thank you!! It was a very magical and special day, and I loved decorating it all!! So fun!! I love her vintage touch to her designs. Have a great Friday!! xo Heather

  14. Hello sweet Heather, I love vintage chairs too! Your sweet mother-in-law found you such a treasure! The carved rose is beautiful and the fabric you used to recover the seat is so pretty! What a beautiful wedding table! I can imagine how lovely your wedding was! I love Mason Jars as well! :) I hope you have a wonderful Thursday! xo~Paula

    1. Hi Paula, thank you! It was a fun little project to do! It was a very lovely and magical day, indeed!! Have a wonderful Friday!! xo Heather

  15. amazing, what a talent you have! I too have a love of vintage chairs, mostly 50's ones, too many to fit around the table!

    1. Thank you!! Oh, would love to see your chairs!! Have a great Friday!! xo Heather

  16. love the recover Heather! i love mason jars. they are what we use as our drinking glasses at our house :)

    1. Thanks!! Drinking out of mason jars is the best!! They make everything taste better! Have a lovely Friday!! xo Heather

  17. That is such a beautiful chair!! I bet your wedding was lovely. (Thank you for your purchases from my etsy shoppe! I didn't realize that it was you!!)

    1. Thank you!! It was a lovely and magical day indeed! Thank you, they are such beautiful vintage treasures!! I couldn't pass them up!! ;) xo Heather

  18. You had to have had the most original wedding decor ever! Isn't it fun? I love doing the decor when my kids get married. Now my 14 year old granddaughter has called dibbs for me to do hers someday....hopefully far, far into the future. =D

    1. Thank you!! I loved decorating and making everything for my wedding!! It is so much fun! How sweet is your granddaughter!! Love it!! Have a great Friday!! xo Heather

  19. That's funny I do too...having a lot of chairs around but not enough tables! lol. I absolutely love you wedding decor! What a great idea, for our wedding last June we did a vintage theme and it turned out great. Wish I had thought of using different fabrics too...Or even making table clothes out of vintage hankies!?! Now that would be sweet too! We used several lace table clothes for ours :) Mason and Ball jars = a must with the theme :) I hope you have a great rest of the day Heather! xo Holly

    1. I am glad I'm not the only one!! ;) Thank you, I had so much fun decorating and making everything!! Congratulations!! Your wedding sounds beautiful, and I saw some of the pics from your blog, too!! So pretty!! That would be sweet. I still think of what I could or should have done, too!! We just had our 2 year this month. Boy, does time fly by!! Have a great Friday!! xo Heather

  20. I love the picture of your wedding table....I can't decide what I like best about it........the colors of the floral cloth, the mason jars, or the puddingstone wall (was there a fireplace?) in the's all just lovely!!

    1. Oh, thank you Fran!! Your so sweet! It was such a special day, and so fun to decorate!! Have a great Friday! xo Heather

  21. That chair just turned out lovely. You have a lot of talent for decorating.

    1. Thank you so much Nan!! I love bringing new life back to these sweet treasures!! Have a great Friday! xo Heather

  22. Heather! I just realized that I wasn't "following" you!! LOL I totally thought I was. I'm so sorry. Other bloggers were talking about cute things you've been making, and I was like..What?? Why don't I know about this?? lol
    Glad I'll be in the loop now!
    Your Etsy shop is adorable too.
    Erica :)

    1. Your so funny, Erica!! That's okay!! I am glad you are following now!! ;) Thank you, I am so glad to have it opened!! Have a great Friday!! xo Heather

  23. Thank you Megan!! Your so sweet!! Have a lovely Friday!! xo Heather

  24. what a beautiful chair!! i love it!!

    1. thank you kerri!! it was a fun little project!! ;) xo Heather


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